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Thursday, 27 February 2014

Election Manifesto – Some Points We Suggest

As you know this is the year of General Election. In this election season, everybody is talking about country, politics, political parties etc. As I am living in Delhi, capital of India, here you will hardly find persons who are not talking about politics. In buses, metros and all other public places there is only one trending topics i.e. politics. And all the peoples have their own problems for which they want solution from the next government. 

And now in this biggest festival of democracy, all eyes are toward political parties. And all the people want that their problems should be in the election manifesto. Some of the parties are talking about corruption, whereas some are talking about good governance, leadership etc. Now, who will make the next government is in the hands of public and we just leave it to the public.

As a citizen of India, world’s biggest democracy, I also have some expectation from the next government. As you know there are countless problems in the country, following are some of them, which I want that should be in the election manifesto of every political party:

1. Reservation should be on the basis of income or economic condition of a person and not on the basis of their cast or religion.

2. Better infrastructure for everyone.

3. Government should frame such policies that will increase the job opportunities.

4. Transparency at all level in the government.

5. Expand E-governance.

6. In the big cities of country, there should be at least a Police Man standing on every bus stop for the safety of citizens especially for ladies.

7. Enable E-filing of complaint to various government departments & lokayukta or ombudsman so as to reduce corruption.

Recommendation by Mr. Rohan Singh
8. Encourage production of those goods which are highly imported by giving complete tax exemptions from both direct & indirect taxes.

This is just an illustrative list; there are hundreds of points which can be added to this. You can also suggest your points through comments to this post. I will try to include your points in this post.


Image Credit: www.livemint.com, piczload.com
Election Manifesto – Some Points We Suggest
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  1. Replies
    1. Amazing post. Keep up the good work.India needs people like you who are young and broadminded.

    2. Thanks Vanishree for your encouraging feedback.

  2. Hi, Manish, i like ur post and i want to suggest that " Encourage production of those goods which are highly imported by giving complete tax exemptions from both direct & indirect taxes."

    1. Hi, Rohan, thanks for your suggestion, I have included this in the post.

  3. Nice one..
    For point 6 i.e. e-filing of RTI, you can use the below link..

    I've tried it and it actually works :)

    And for point 8, some of the departments have already made grievance redressal online, like few banks are taking complaints and suggestions online. Hope rest of the departments too will follow same soon.

    1. Thanks for ur feedback..and earlier point 6 was an error and now i have removed it..

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